Neotropical Nature & Birding
Outdoor Gear Store



An early pick-up from Quito at 7 am brings us to the western entrance of Antisana Ecological Reserve, just about 48 km (30 miles) southeast from Quito, with a mixture of elfin forest below and paramo grassland above. The snow-covered top of Antisana Volcano is located at 18,886 ft a.s.l. It’s the fourth highest peak of Ecuador and it’s covered by the largest ice cap in the country. Something that makes this place wonderful is the contact with undisturbed nature apart from crowded touristic places and it’s beautiful Andean scenery. The reserve provides opportunities to understand the geological history of the Andes and the importance of this unique ecosystem. 

Bellavista is recognized as one of Ecuador’s Important Bird Areas (IBA’s). It is located within the Chocó Biogeographic Region. This area extends from Panama to the Ecuadorian Province of Manabí; this bio-region is considered one of the world’s hot spots of biodiversity due to its high levels of endemic species.
Once in Bellavista, the hummingbirds take our full attention. Large numbers hover constantly around the feeders, and it is easy to identify over 10 species at very close range. The lodge offers an excellent network of trails, over 8 km in length, ranging from easy to genuine adventure.

Some of the target species here are the   very rare and threatened Tanager Finch, the gorgeous endemics Toucan Barbet and the spectacular Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan.
The reserve is a perfect host for other colorful subtropical species: the tanagers.  Grass-green, Blue and Black, Beryl-spangled, Blue-capped, Fawn- breasted, Golden, Flame-faced and Blue-winged Mountain Tanagers occur frequently in the reserve. 
After  a delicious lunch at the reserve we’ll continue to explore the land of the hummingbirds. We’ll continue to Alambi cloud forest reserve where you’ll see new species of hummingbirds at close range and enjoy the uniqueness of the cloud forest diversity.
An early pick-up can be arranged  if you want to experience the best bird activity and light.

Available add-on option:
Visit the Andean Cock of the Rock Lek in the afternoon.

In the afternoon you can add a visit to a LEK of one of the most iconic bird species in the cloud forest; The Andean Cock of the Rock. This species exhibits marked sexual dimorphism, the male has a large disk-like crest and a very unique vivid scarlet plumage. Gatherings of males compete for breeding females with each male displaying its colorful plumage, bobbing and hopping, and making strident calls.
If you take this trip extension you’ll be dropped off  in your hotel around 6:30  – 7 pm.


Trip considerations

This is a sample itinerary subject to change due to weather conditions, safety, and particular interests of guests and groups. Changes and additions are made in order to maximize birding, wilderness enjoyment and cultural interaction with local people.

WEATHER: At sunrise it tends to be clear and gets misty and foggy around 10 am. Rain is likely in the afternoon. It can get humid and cold early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

PHYSICAL DIFFICULTY: Moderate to intense.


*Optional early pick-up from 4:30 am to 6am depending on your interest
$40  USD per person in groups of 1 to 3  includes breakfast
$20 USD per person in groups of 4 or more includes breakfast

*The Andean Cock of the Rock  LEK add-on activity  in the afternoon adds $35 USD per person
