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During our photo tours, our primary objective is to provide optimal opportunities for capturing images of some of the most iconic and sought-after species. This enables  our clients to witness genuine, intricate, and often remarkable animal behaviors and features. We devote the necessary   time to achieve exceptional shots of each target species.

Ecuador and Brazil are renowned for their remarkable biodiversity and exceptional lodging and reserve infrastructure. Many of these accommodations boast superb facilities such as feeders, light traps, and hides, establishing Ecuador and Brazil as a premier global destinations for bird and wildlife photography.

We can coordinate specialized setups at feeding stations and multi-flash hummingbird photography, affording us the luxury of spending extended periods in fixed locations until you are satisfied with your results. The captivating hummingbirds of the Tropical Andes take center stage in our priorities, owing to their breathtaking beauty and extensive variety. The exceptional feeder arrangements provide outstanding opportunities to capture these “winged jewels” in photographs.

While hummingbirds undoubtedly claim a prominent role in this tour, they share the spotlight with other vibrantly colored tropical birds including Tanagers, Euphonias, Barbets, Toucans, Trogons, Quetzals, and the dazzling Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, as well as unique and endangered endemic species such as the Long-wattled Umbrellabird, among many others.

For those who share a passion for both birding and photography, we offer alternative multi-day tour options, each promising exceptional photography opportunities.

all the following tours can be customized according to your interests and target species.


Quito has multiple fascinating biodiverse destinations close enough to the city for a perfect day of connection with nature, which will  allow you to  admire and photograph some of the most iconic species  and enjoy the richness of the lush evergreen slopes of the tropical Andes to majestic Volcanoes surrounded by paramo. Join us if you have free days and wanted to have a break from the big city to get acquainted of the magnificent diversity so close to the equator.


Explore the most diverse corners the western Andean slopes. Once you get in this unique tropical Andean ecosystem, hummingbirds will take your full attention. The cloud forest concentrates the highest diversity of these winged jewels. Ecuador host over 130 species of hummingbirds!. This tour will allow you to photograph them and enjoy their unmatched beauty.


Ecuador is an outstanding country with the highest concentration of bird species per square km in the world. The Yasuni National Park is a uniquely diverse area that covers over 9,800 square kilometers (2 million acres) of pristine amazon rainforest. The Park was declared a Biosphere Reserve in 1989 by UNESCO; it is a true hot spot of biodiversity where amphibian, bird, mammal, and vascular plant diversity reach their maximum levels within the Western Hemisphere.


The Southern Ecuador tour stands as the definitive exploration of the Tumbesian Region, an area characterized by its remarkable diversity. This region boasts a lush array of habitats, fostering a remarkable tapestry of life. It is home to an impressive collection of approximately 40 endemic bird species that are exclusively shared with the neighboring segments of northern Peru.

Encompassing a wide expanse, this tour thoroughly traverses various landscapes, including the coastal region, wetlands, arid scrublands, deciduous forests, tropical rainforests, montane subtropical forests, high-altitude elfin woodlands, and wind swept páramos.


A new Harpy Eagle nest was discovered in late 2020 within a high priority area for conservation  at the Limoncocha Biological Reserve in the amazonian rainforest of Ecuador. This couple is nesting in a very accessible zone- only a 20 minute boat ride from Limoncocha and a short 30 minute walk along a beautiful trail from the Napo River. We have developed a comprehensive tour  together with community guides and members of the indigenous village of Limoncocha. This successful nest is currently protected and will serve as a powerful tool to promote the conservation of the area through the development of sustainable activities with the direct participation of the community members in activities related to tourism, research, education and conservation. 


The surroundings of Quito provide different opportunities to find wild bears and other emblematic fauna with good chances of close encounters. Spectacled Bears can be found in the cloud forests and paramos (highlands) around the District of Quito. However, because of the dense vegetation in cloud forests, the encounters are difficult and depend on the availability of a special fruit in a private reserve and the surroundings (two months every year, no season pattern); or hiking to areas where researchers have deployed camera traps for monitoring the bear populations: exciting, but time- and physically demanding.
It is  in the paramo, north east of Quito where, in few days, you can increase your probabilities of a great encounter with bears and other Andean wildlife, sometimes close enough to have wonderful views and photographs.


In the Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland, you’ll step into a world that seems plucked from the pages of a wildlife encyclopedia. Here, the “Big Five” of the Pantanal – the Brazilian Tapir, Capybara, Giant Anteater, Giant Otter, and the elusive Jaguar – roam freely, showcasing the untamed beauty of this region. Capture the thrilling moments of predator and prey in their natural interactions, while witnessing a mesmerizing array of birdlife and aquatic wonders that call these waters home.


During our Atlantic Forest tour you’ll be transported to a world of lush greenery and hidden treasures. Designated as one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, this ancient rainforest harbors species found nowhere else on Earth. From sparkling hummingbirds to iconic mammals like the endemic Maned Sloth, every corner reveals a new marvel. In these domains the calls of toucans and the rustle of leaves reveal stories of survival and adaptation, creating a symphony of life that resonates through the dense foliage.
