Outdoor Gear Store



Bookings are made in writing and with the payment of a 30% booking deposit.
Where a booking is made less than nine weeks before departure, full payment is required for multi-day tours. The person signing our booking form does so on behalf of all individuals included on it, such that all are bound by the booking conditions set out here. The balance is to be paid 90 days before departure in the case of multi-day tours.

For full day tours, the balance is to be paid in full before the beginning of the tour. Last minute bookings can be made up to 24 hours before the departure time; these bookings must be verified first and may be declined due to availability issues, and paid in full at the time of the booking.

A service voucher will be issued upon receiving the deposit showing the tour details, services included, due date and amount of any outstanding balance.

Price: The price includes all services specified in the itinerary. It does not include credit card or bank fees, personal expenses, insurance or emergency costs.
Itinerary: Itineraries are usually planned several months before travel; there may be factors beyond our control that could make alterations necessary or advisable. We will always endeavour to inform you of any changes in advance.
Tour modifications: Neotropical Nature and Birding Trips reserves the right to change arrangements or itineraries where we consider it to be in the best interest of our clients, or due to factors beyond our control. The type of travel that we offer is subject to the uncertainties of local bureaucracy, events, weather and road and air travel and other unpredictable and unforeseeable circumstances. Alterations will be communicated to the client as soon as reasonably possible.


Cancellation by us: We reserve the right to cancel the tour for reasons beyond our control. Upon cancellation the company will issue full refunds of all monies paid or offer an alternative tour of comparable standard, unless the cancellation is due to clients failing to pay the final balance. We accept no responsibility for further compensation.

Cancellation by you: We understand it is possible that you may need to cancel your trip due to circumstances out of your control. A confirmed booking can only be cancelled in writing, cancellation charges will apply. Charges are calculated from the day written notification is received and are shown below as a percentage of the full payment that will be retained:
-180 or more days before departure- $250.00 p.p administrative fee will apply
-179 to 90 days before departure– retention of the 30% booking deposit
-89- or less days prior to the tour’s departure date, refunds do not apply.

NOTE: To protect yourself against unforeseen scenarios that may arise, insurance is essential.
As travel requirements change worldwide it has become increasingly difficult to obtain flexibility from suppliers in their standard cancellation policies.
Therefore, to avoid potential financial losses, we strongly advise to contract Travel Insurance with full coverage. Ideally, insurance should cover:

-Last-minute cancellations: Many local suppliers will increasingly charge penalty fees (up to 100% depending on each supplier’s policies) if clients cancel their travel, regardless of the reason for the cancellation.

-Injury or sickness: Travel insurance can help cover medical expenses that are not covered by the passenger’s health insurance plan.

-Lost luggage: Assistance in covering expenses stemming from lost luggage.

For full day tours exceptions may apply. Contact us for more details: [email protected]
