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Start your day with some of the most fabulous views over the western Andean slopes. We’ll head out to an  area which  is known among birders as the “Mashpi road”,  the birding area includes a small side road that forks off and heads a few km to the Mashpi Amagusa Reserve.
Mashpi is a recently popularized site in the northwestern foothills that has gained notoriety for its impressive collection of Chocó endemic bird species. The wet mossy forest along the roads in the area boasts Moss-Backed Tanager, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Orange-Breasted Fruiteater, Black Solitaire, Indigo Flowerpiercer, and the very rare Choco Vireo.

You’ll visit a reserve manage by a local family from the neighboring Pacto Loma community. Sergio the owner has set fruit feeders with natural perches that offer great photography opportunities of many species that are difficult or rare elsewhere, like the astonishing Glistening-green Tanager.

The reserve has some of the last well preserved remnants of pristine cloud forest, in one of the world’s most renowned hot spots of biodiversity on the planet, the Andean Chocó forest. Our visit will support the efforts to preserve this invaluable forest over time.

Time and space will take on a different meaning as you become immersed in the deep green forest, exploring pristine landscapes.
After a delicious lunch you’ll start your way back to Quito but there is another  amazing place to visit:  Alambi Cloud Forest Reserve. This is one of the best places in Ecuador to watch hummingbirds at close range. Up to 14 species have been recorded in less than 30 minutes!! You’ll be amazed with the beauty of this winged jewels.

Available add-on option:
Visit the Andean Cock of the Rock Lek in the afternoon.

In the afternoon you can add a visit to a LEK of one of the most iconic bird species in the cloud forest; The Andean Cock of the Rock. This species exhibits marked sexual dimorphism, the male has a large disk-like crest and a very unique vivid scarlet plumage. Gatherings of males compete for breeding females with each male displaying its colorful plumage, bobbing and hopping, and making strident calls.
After mating, the female makes a nest under a rocky overhang, incubates the eggs, and rears the young by herself. The Andean cock-of-the-rock eats a diet of fruit, supplemented by insects, amphibians and reptiles. It is distributed all across the cloud forest of the Andes.
If you take this trip extension you’ll be dropped off  in your hotel around 6:30  – 7 pm.
Anden Cock-of-the Rock


  • 1 pax $ 320
  • 2 pax $ 190
  • 3-4 pax $145
  • 5-7 pax $110
  • 8-10 pax $95

*For those seeking an early start, an optional pick-up from 4:30 am is available. This allows you to reach the destination by dawn and maximize your opportunity to observe the vibrant bird activity during the morning hours:
$40  USD per person in groups of 1 to 3 
$25 USD per person in groups of 4 or more

*The Andean Cock of the Rock  LEK add-on activity  in the afternoon adds $35 USD per person

Trips considerations

This is a sample itinerary subject to change due to weather conditions, safety, and particular interests of guests and groups. Changes and additions are made in order to maximize birding and wilderness enjoyment . 

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