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Pick-up at 7:00 am. Some 55 km (41 miles) East of Quito the road brings us into the high elevation paramo at Papallacta, a very tundra-like habitat. On clear days the views of the surroundings and various volcanoes are breath-taking; a stop right up at the pass is one of the best spots  to photograph the snow-capped Antisana Volcano as it towers over the mountains below.
If weather allows, from this point on you should start scanning the sky from time to time for the Andean Condor,  Variable Hawk,  Carunculated  Caracara  and Black-chested  Buzzard-Eagle, that may soar overhead.We’ll check stands of Polylepis woodland for Giant Conebill , Black-backed Bush Tanager, White-chinned Thistletail, Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager, Pearled Treerunner, Golden-crowned Tanager, Pale-naped Brush-Finch and the scarce Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant. At the highest elevations we’ll seek out  the secretive and cryptic  Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe. 

The surroundings of Quito provide different opportunities to find wild bears and other emblematic fauna with good chances of close encounters. Bears can be found in the cloud forests and paramos (highlands) around the District of Quito.It is  in the paramo, north east of Quito where, in few days, you can increase your probabilities of a great encounter with bears and other Andean wildlife, sometimes close enough to have wonderful views and photographs. The area to visit covers the surroundings of two national parks with special natural feeding sites where the presence of bears is frequent all year round.  


Later you’ll drive to Guango Reserve, where  we will embark on a hike along the trails around the lodge to get a taste of the beautiful Andean temperate forests. Colorful mixed flocks with  birds such as Lacrimose and Hooded Mountain Tanagers, Blue-backed Conebill,  Black-capped Hemispingus can be seen around the lodge.  Here you have possibilities for rare and very local birds like the Mountain Avocetbill, the stunning Gray Breasted Mountain-Toucan, Andean Guan, and  Northern Mountain Cacique. Along the Papallacta River you’ll try to find a unique resident of fast flowing mountain rivers, a powerful swimmer and diver: the Torrent Duck. This could definitely be one of your day highlights! You‘ll drive back to Quito late in the afternoon. 

An early pick-up can be arranged  if you want to experience the best bird activity and light.

Available add-on option:
Visit the Papallacta hot spring complex in the afternoon.

Add a visit to the best thermal water complex in Ecuador, relax and absorb the benefits of the therapeutic waters. The  richness of the hydro thermal waters in Papallacta is due its location: a  volcanic complex with more than 3 million years of persistent activity  called Chacana.  The hot springs that feed Termas Papallacta arise from deep geological  layers through fissures, up to the surface, loaded with minerals and  potential for health benefits.
If you take this trip extension you’ll be dropped off  in your hotel around 5:30  

Papallacta Hotsrings


  • 1 pax USD $ 345
  • 2 pax USD $190
  • 3-4 pax USD $145
  • 5-7 pax USD $120
  • 8-10 pax USD $98

*Optional early pick-up from 5 am to 6 am depending on your interest
$40  USD per person in groups of 1 to 3 
$30 USD per person in groups of 4 or more 

*Add- on visit to the Hot Springs Complex: $40.00 per person

Trip considerations

This is a sample itinerary subject to change due to weather conditions, safety, and particular interests of guests and groups. Changes and additions are made in order to maximize birding, wilderness enjoyment.

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